Unhealthy Biofield?

The unhealthy field is measured as ‘small’ so ends close to the person’s body, less than an arm’s width from them.

It has holes it making the person susceptible to magnetic (e.g. Electromagnetic fields EMF that is disharmonious to a persons body).  The person with this field is ill more often, is usually on medicine for chronic long-term conditions, often struggles with mental health/stress. When the auric field is fixed, much of these issues go away. (HOW to fix your Biofield here).

Our Research

We have conducted testes on thousands of people, of all ages. Below is a brief summary of what we have discovered about the biofield of adults vs children, mobile phone and ipad use in adults/children, the lifeforce energy of homegrown vs major supermarkets vs biodynamic farms, and more!

(1)  Children under 14 have a MASSIVE Bio-field! Once they hit 14, this turns into the size of an adults. This is why being around children can be so invigorating!

(2) When you are not grounded (bare feet, or natural soles/socks touching the earth) your bio-field shrinks to almost touching your body, about up to your wrist. But some people who have a healthy lifestyle, have removed toxins, don’t smoke or drink alcohol, are cheerful and vibrant- have a much bigger field which goes past their arms. These people generally have ‘magnetic personalities’, they have a strong ‘presence’ and people notice when they enter a room

(3) When you are grounded, your field becomes MASSIVE!

(4)  When you hold a mobile phone when you are not grounded, your bio-field shrinks to almost nothing

(5) The clothes you wear, e.g. polyester, man made fibres, affects how big your bio-field is

(6) Negative thoughts, and a bad-mood shrinks your bio-field

(7) Golden Frequency Water will boost your bio-field, even just by a drop touching you (click here to purchase)

(8) Bio-Defence Shield’s will boost your bio-field often as much as if you are grounded! (click here to purchase) and this is especially true for children!

When wearing shoes (not grounded) person’s field shrinks and has holes it in. This is so much worse when we see children holding ipads! Because they usually have such a big field, but it shrinks so much when they hold them. This has nothing to do with towers, or clouds this is simply how the device interferes with a persons energy field as both you and the device have magnetic fields and they interact with each other.

A comparison of a person's body

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When an adult or child is grounded (on real earth, without shoes or wearing cotton socks) then the earth grounds and harmonises harmful frequencies. It looks to us when we measure the field that any disharmonious (harmful) effects are not experienced in the field, and therefore we measure a normal but larger field even when someone is holding a mobile phone.

A person standing in front of a colorful background

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This is why we and how we created the Bio-Field Defence Shield! It is simply not practical to be grounded all the time, especially for children or in bad weather.

How do they work?

Everything is frequency! Did you ever hear that and wonder what it means?

(1) The Geometry is the toroidal field, the same as your own magnetic bio-field. As it is the same, it resonates (matches) with your own frequencies and amplifies them (just like grounding when you and the earths field, because they match each other).

(2) The Bio-Field Defence Shield has a quantum trace, which is a frequency with information within it, like a trace (think about a polygraph test, the squiggly line is a frequency and data together).

(3) A lock keeps that geometry and quantum frequency trace locked in, so it can’t degrade. We have tested these over 4 years and they do not loose their potency, unlike all other ‘shungite’ or “phone stickers” we have tested.

Click here to buy yours!

What is Biofield/lifeforce/Bioforce energy?

Measuring Biofield energy
Our Research

Dowsing for Biofield Energy

Healthy vs Unhealthy Magnetic Fields: Bio-Field Defence Shield

Pendulums for detecting positive energy fields